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jeudi 14 avril 2016

Earn $25 when you refer friends to Payoneer

Earn $25 when you refer friends to Payoneer 




50 Cent says he’s done it. Why not you? The art and science of leasing a lifestyle

  • Scroll through rapper 50 Cent’s Instagram feed and you’ll find a preponderance of photos where he basks in unimaginable riches.
There’s the shot where the rapper, real name Curtis James Jackson III, can’t seem to find his legs because they’re buried under $100 bills. There’s another where he’s stocked his refrigerator with bundles of greenbacks. More confusing still is a snap where the rapper arranges his “lunch money” ($100 bills) to spell out the word “broke”.
Do you know someone who leases a lifestyle to live above their means? Tell us about it here.
That last image is the most telling. Jackson filed for bankruptcy in July last year, claiming debts of between $10m and $50m,according to court documents. But when the 40-year-old was summoned to a Connecticut court in the US this February, the judge explained that she was having trouble reconciling the man in front of her with the man in those Instagram photos.
(Credit: Instagram/50 Cent)

mercredi 13 avril 2016

“Worlds Brightest” Military Grade Flashlight Now Available To Public

“Worlds Brightest” Military Grade Flashlight Now Available To Public

You know how after someone takes a picture of you at night with the flash on, it takes like 3 minutes to see properly again?
Now imagine that flash is 100x brighter and it doesn’t turn off. You’d have the ability to disorient any would be attacker with the push of a button.
That’s what you get with the LumiTact G700 – a new Military Grade tactical flashlight.
The truth is, most people underestimate the importance of owning a great flashlight. And these days, in a world where terrorism, and natural disasters are becoming the norm, it’s more important than ever to have the right tactical gear.
This light’s incredible LED technology is used by the U.S. Navy Seals, the Coast Guard, Firemen, Policemen, U.S. Search and Rescue and now it’s been placed inside of an amazing Flashlight called the LumiTact G700…

“In times like these, it’s more important than ever for Americans to be prepared for anything, and this flashlight is one of the best pieces of gear to have as it can be used in almost every situation, from self defense to finding your dog at night…” -Matt B. Tactical Flashlight Expert

With Over 20,000 Sold This Month, People Are Talking:



“I can’t believe they’re giving this light away for 75% off”

These $200 lights are currently selling for 75% off their normal price! So make sure you hurry and grab yours now at the discounted price.
So if you want to make sure you’re always prepared for the worst, this flashlight is a great start. It has our vote

Russian TV spy claims shown up by poor English

Russian TV spy claims shown up by poor English

Russian state TV has accused a leading Kremlin critic of being an agent for the British and US intelligence services. But its accusations are based on documents that are full of grammatical errors and have been branded as forgeries.
On Sunday night, official channel Rossiya 1 ran a 15-minute report alleging that anti-corruption campaigner Alexei Navalny had been working for many years as an "agent" for MI6.
Controversial TV anchor Dmitry Kiselyov described the allegations as "sensational" and stressed that some of Mr Navalny's actions had been "criminal".
Following his emergence as arguably President Vladimir Putin's most formidable opponent, Mr Navalny has twice been convicted on charges of embezzlement in trials that he and his supporters say were politically motivated.
Two suspended prison sentences have left him sidelined from electoral politics.
The Rossiya 1 report suggested that Mr Navalny had been recruited to work for MI6 by UK hedge fund manager Bill Browder some time between 2006 and 2008.
The report went on to allege that he had been paid handsomely for his services via the Moscow Helsinki Group (MHG) human rights organisation.
His anti-corruption activities, including his recent allegations against the family of Russian Prosecutor-General Yuri Chaika, were also presented as being part of a CIA operation codenamed "Quake".
Mr Navalny has dismissed the accusations as "fantasy" and "deliberate slander" and has said he will sue the state broadcaster.
MHG head Lyudmila Alekseyeva said the group had never given money to Mr Navalny.

Image copyright Rossiya 1
Image caption Alleged Skype correspondence between Navalny and UK hedge fund manager Bill Browder
As evidence for its accusations, Rossiya 1 reporter Yevgeny Popov quoted what he said was Skype correspondence between Mr Navalny and Mr Browder, as well as a number of purported MI6 and CIA internal documents, which were shown on screen with Russian translations.
The documents referred to Mr Navalny as agent "Freedom" and Mr Browder as "Solomon".
Bill Browder was the inspiration behind the US Magnitsky Act, under which sanctions were imposed on Russian officials said to be complicit in the death of Sergei Magnitsky in Russian custody. Mr Magnitsky had been working for Mr Browder's company, Hermitage Capital.
The TV report suggested Mr Browder had himself conspired with the CIA to bring about Mr Magnitsky's death.

English errors

But the documents on which this and the other accusations are based have roused suspicion, not least because they contain mistakes in English commonly made by Russian speakers.
"Navalny is the most suitable candidate for the future political leader," reads one.
Another says funds "will be transferred to our trustee from Moscow Helsinki Group until January 26th". Such incorrect use of "until" instead of "by" is common among Russian speakers.

Image copyright Rossiya 1
Image caption Documents shown by Rossiya 1 contained a number of common Russian mistakes in English
One reference to Mr Putin in January 2008 as the "acting president of the Russian Federation" appears to be another mistranslation from the Russian, where in English the word "serving" or "current" would be expected.
And it is not just the language at fault.
Some social media users pointed out that the name on the bottom of an alleged CIA document dated 2009 appears to be that of Valerie Plame, whose career in the service was over more than three years earlier.
This is not the first time Russian media have been apparently caught peddling fake documents. Last November, pro-Putin newspaper Izvestia printed a similarly error-strewn letter that it claimed was from a US state department official to a Russian LGBT activist.

Image copyright US embassy Moscow
Image caption Last November the US embassy poked fun at an Izvestia forgery, suggesting it would be happy to correct future mistakes

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The 2006 spy rock affair involved alleged British agents in Moscow
Russian state TV has a long history of alleging links between Kremlin critics and foreign powers. The most famous was the so-called "spy rock" affair in 2006, which focused on the activities of alleged British secret agents.

"Information war"

Writing on liberal website, well-known journalist Oleg Kashin said Mr Popov's report was based on an "indecent fake".
He also suggested it was a product of the "information war" the Kremlin believed it was waging with the West.
The allegations against Navalny came exactly a week after the release of the Panama Papers, which appear to reveal suspicious offshore transactions involving members of the Russian president's inner circle.
Russian state TV initially ignored these revelations, but later branded them part of a US-inspired plot to destabilise Mr Putin.
Rossiya 1 has said that it will air a fuller version of Mr Popov's report in a late-night talk show on Wednesday.
But, despite the sensational nature of the allegations against Mr Navalny, pro-Kremlin media do not appear anxious to publicise them further.
They did not appear in any of the main TV bulletins on Monday evening. Nor did they feature in the Monday or Tuesday print editions of the top pro-Kremlin newspapers.
BBC Monitoring reports and analyses news from TV, radio, web and print media around the world. You can follow BBC Monitoring on Twitter and Facebook.

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Ted Cruz: New Jersey judge rejects US citizenship challenge

Ted Cruz: New Jersey judge rejects US citizenship challenge

A judge in New Jersey has ruled that Republican presidential hopeful Ted Cruz is a "natural-born citizen" under the US constitution and may run in the state's primary elections in June.
A group of residents had challenged the Texas senator's eligibility for the presidency. He was born in Canada to a Cuban father and American mother.
But Judge Jeff Masin found that Mr Cruz met the constitutional requirements.
New Jersey's Lt Governor, Kim Guadagno, is now expected to review the decision.
Sen Cruz's main rival for the Republican nomination, Donald Trump, has also questioned his eligibility for the presidency.
"There's a big question mark on your head," the billionaire businessman said at a debate in January. "You can't do that to the party."

'No absolute certainty'

The South Jersey Concerned Citizens Committee and law professor Victor Williams, a presidential write-in candidate, argued in court in on Monday that Sen Cruz's birth in Canada meant he could not be a "natural-born citizen" as envisaged by those who wrote the US constitution.
They claimed he was a naturalised citizen and that presidents had to be born on US soil.
Sen Cruz's lawyer argued that he was a natural-born citizen because his mother was American.
On Tuesday, Judge Masin dismissed the challenge, while acknowledging that "absolute certainty as to this issue is only available to those who actually sat in Philadelphia and themselves thought on the issue".
"The more persuasive legal analysis is that such a child, born of a citizen-father, citizen-mother, or both, is indeed a 'natural born citizen' within the contemplation of the constitution," he wrote in a 26-page decision.
Judge Masin added that his decision might be adopted, modified or rejected by Lt Gov Guadagno, New Jersey's secretary of state, who is authorised to make a final decision on the matter. She must transmit the names of candidates to appear on the primary ballot to county clerks by Thursday.
A similar legal challenge was rejected a court in Pennsylvania, where Sen Cruz will appear on the state's Republican primary ballot later this month.

Brazil coalition partners 'to vote for Rousseff impeachment

Brazil coalition partners 'to vote for Rousseff impeachment'

Two former coalition partners of Brazil President Dilma Rousseff say they will vote for her impeachment over claims she manipulated government accounts.
The Progressive Party (PP), which quit the coalition on Tuesday, says most of its 47 MPs would vote for the impeachment.
The Republican Party (PRB) said its 22 members had been told to vote for it.
The move comes weeks after the PMDB, the largest party in the the lower house, voted to leave the coalition.
Ms Rousseff says her opponents are plotting a "coup".
She faces an impeachment vote in the lower house on Sunday, amid claims she juggled the accounts to make her government's economic performance appear better than it was ahead of her election campaign two years ago.
She denies the allegations, and her supporters say the issue is not valid grounds for impeachment anyway.
A PP spokeswoman told AFP news agency on Tuesday: "The party decided to withdraw from the... alliance, by majority decision." The PP is the fourth-largest party in the 513-seat lower house.
Hours later, the leadership of the PRB confirmed to BBC Brasil that its members had been told to support the removal of the president or face sanctions, including possible expulsion.
While the two developments weaken the position of the president ahead of the impeachment vote, its outcome is uncertain with many members of the lower house still undecided.
A two-thirds majority - 342 MPs - is needed to send the impeachment case to the Senate.
A recent poll, before the PP's announcement, showed 300 in favour of impeachment and 125 opposed, leaving 88 MPs still undecided or not stating their position.

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Media captionBrazil political crisis: Why Dilma Rousseff faces impeachment calls
Earlier on Tuesday, Ms Rousseff suggested that her Vice-President Michel Temer was one of the ringleaders of the "coup" attempt against her.
She said a widely distributed audio message of Mr Temer appearing to accept replacing her as president, was evidence of the conspiracy. However, she did not identify him by name.
"They now are conspiring openly, in the light of day, to destabilise a legitimately elected president," Ms Rousseff said.
She referred to "the chief and... the vice-chief" of the plot, an apparent reference to Mr Temer and lower house speaker Eduardo Cunha.
Brazil is "living in strange times", she said, "times of a coup, of farce and betrayal".
Mr Temer has said that the message was released by accident.

Image copyright Reuters
Image caption President Rousseff denies the accusations against her
Speaking in an interview with the conservative Estado de Sao Paulo newspaper on Tuesday, Mr Temer argued that he had spent weeks away from the capital Brasilia specifically so that no-one could accuse him of plotting behind the scenes.
On Monday evening, amid rowdy scenes, a 65-member congressional committee voted 38 to 27 to recommend going ahead with impeachment proceedings.
MPs are due to start debating on Friday, officials said, with voting beginning on Sunday at about 14:00 (17:00 GMT). The result should be known later in the evening.
Security is expected to be stepped up around the Congress building in Brasilia as the vote takes place.
While President Rousseff's opponents say the impeachment is supported by most Brazilians, the president's supporters have labelled it a flagrant power grab by her political enemies.
If the president and Mr Temer are both suspended from office, the next in line to assume the presidency is Mr Cunha.
However, he is facing money-laundering and other charges.

Where did it go wrong? Daniel Gallas, Sao Paulo

From billions being stolen from state oil giant Petrobras by private construction firms and politicians, to a powerful senator negotiating for a key witness to flee from jail, the country has been rife with jaw-dropping corruption revelations.
Yet with all the investigations, one person has managed to keep a fairly clean record - President Dilma Rousseff.
Ms Rousseff's personal record on corruption may be untarnished so far - but her handling of the economy has been highly controversial. And this is the argument the opposition has been advancing to get her impeached.
Making what critics say are bad decisions on the economy is not a crime. But one of the measures taken by Ms Rousseff and her team back in 2014 was deemed illegal by a federal court.
Brazilian governments are required to meet budget surplus targets set in Congress. Ms Rousseff is accused of allowing creative accounting techniques involving loans from public banks to the treasury that artificially enhanced the budget surplus.
Read the full article here

Rousseff under pressure

The Brazilian president faces a battle to stay in power

  • 513 members of the lower house of Congress
  • 342 votes needed to move process to the Senate
  • 41 senators out of 81 must vote in favour to begin impeachment trial
  • 180 days she could be suspended for during the hearings

What happens next?

Lower house vote: An impeachment vote is expected in the lower house on Sunday. A two-thirds majority is required for it to go forward to the Senate. Latest surveys suggest the number in favour is short of the total needed to carry the motion.
Senate vote on trial: If Ms Rousseff case is sent to the Senate, a simple majority is enough to suspend her for up to 180 days while she is put on trial. Vice-President Michel Temer would step in during this period.
Impeachment vote: For Ms Rousseff to be removed from office permanently, two-thirds of the Senate would have to vote in favour. Mr Temer would remain president for an interim period should this happen.


mardi 12 avril 2016

15 Reasons To Hate Floyd Mayweather

15 Reasons To Hate Floyd Mayweather

So, there’s this big match coming up in the boxing world that’s got everyone in a tizzy. Even if you’re not a fan of the sport, you probably haven’t been able to avoid coverage of it on ESPN – it’s the match between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao. The primary reason that everyone is so turnt up for this boxing match has to do with Floyd Mayweather and what a colossal jerk he is. If you’re not familiar with his history, then you may not be aware of all the reasons people have to hate him. For your benefit, we’re going to review those reasons.
1. Supreme Arrogance
For starters, Floyd Mayweather happens to be one of the biggest egoists in all of sports. This guy is seriously full of himself, and he believes that he is God’s gift to whomever he happens to come in contact with. If you don’t believe us, just plug his name into Google, and you’ll see. Just read a few quotes from him, or better yet take a look at any of his social media accounts. That should get your blood boiling.

15 of the Hottest Athlete Instagrams

15 of the Hottest Athlete Instagrams

Is there anything hotter than a hot female athlete? It’s clear that they take care of themselves, and they could probably take care of you with their bank accounts if you were every lucky enough to date one of them! Of course, actually snagging one of these amazingly beautiful female athletes is probably just wishful thinking on your part. Still, you can dream, can’t you? If you need some help stoking your imagination in this regard, then we’re here to help. We’ve collected 15 drop-dead gorgeous female athletes and their Instagram accounts. Take a look through, and see which one’s you like! We’re willing to bet that when you get to the end of this list, you’ll have 15 new accounts you’re following on Insta…
1. Angela Rypien
We might as well get this list started off with a bang! And we can’t think of a better way to do that than by calling attention to Angela Rypien. What’s Angela’s sport, you ask? Well it just so happens to be lingerie football. It makes perfect sense doesn’t it? What’s that, you weren’t aware that lingerie football was a thing? Well it is, and Angela will introduce you to it on her Instagram account (@angela_rypien).

Medical Council Should Implement High Court Verdict: Delhi Medical Association

Medical Council Should Implement High Court Verdict: Delhi Medical Association

Medical Council Should Implement High Court Verdict: Delhi Medical Association
Delhi High Court had last week ruled that the practitioners of 'Bharatiya Chikitsa' - Indian System of Medicine - such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Tibb and Unani medicine cannot practise scientific system of medicine. (Representational Image)
New Delhi:  Delhi Medical Association today demanded that the Medical Council of India (MCI) implement the High Court order barring Ayurveda and Unani medicine doctors to practice allopathy.

Delhi High Court had last week ruled that the practitioners of 'Bharatiya Chikitsa' - Indian System of Medicine - such as Ayurveda, Siddha, Tibb and Unani medicine cannot practise modern scientific system of medicine including prescribing allopathic medicines.

Delhi Medical Association (DMA), which is an association of registered medical practitioners of Allopathic System of Medicine affiliated to the Indian Medical Association (IMA), had filed a petition before the HC saying practitioners of 'Bharatiya Chikitsa' in the capital were prescribing allopathic drugs, jeopardizing the health of residents of the city.

"We welcome the High Court judgement and demand that the Delhi Medical Council (DMC) and Medical Council of India (MCI) to take strict action against those violating the court's order and restrict the 'Bharatiya Chikitsa' doctors to practice modern medicine," DMA President Rakesh Gupta told reporters.

"It is important to check the business run by quacks in various areas of Delhi. We urge MCI and DMC to conduct frequent raids and file police complaints against the defaulters," he added.

Fc BAyer munich Vs Fc Benifica 13avril2016

Quart de finale aller : Service minimum pour le Bayern Munich face au Benfica Lisbonne (1-0)


EN DIRECT / LIVE. Manchester City - PSG Ligue des champions - 12 avril 2016

Manchester City - PSG
Ligue des champions - 12 avril 2016

Ligue des champions - Suivez en live la rencontre de Football opposant Manchester City et Paris Saint-Germain. Ce match se déroule le 12 avril 2016 et débute à 20:45. Eurosport propose pour cette rencontre un suivi en direct permettant de connaître l'évolution du score et les actions importantes.
Les entraineurs Manuel Pellegrini et Laurent Blanc vont-ils trouver la solution pour l'emporter dans ce match ? Suivez l'intégralité de cette confrontation avec le live Eurosport.

Vous avez également la possibilité de donner votre avis sur le match en votant ci-dessous: qui va gagner la rencontre entre Manchester City et Paris Saint-Germain ? Avant la rencontre, nous vous proposons également de lire des articles relatifs à ces deux équipes de Football.
Consultez la fiche détaillée pour Manchester City, ainsi que celle pour Paris Saint-Germain. Découvrez également toute l'actualité du Football: calendrier, résultats et classements.

Qui va gagner ce match ?

Allez vas-y répondre au commenter avant  le début match


Real Madrid vs Wolfsburg 12/04/2016

Real Madrid VS Wolfsburg : Une bonne nouvelle pour Zidane ?

Mathématiquement, le Real a 17,8% de chances de se qualifier pour les demi-finales.
Ecrit par Dario S.

Le Real Madrid aura besoin de toutes ses forces offensives pour rattraper son retard de deux buts face à Wolfsburg, demain, en quart de finale retour de la Ligue des Champions. Ça tombe bien, Benzema va beaucoup mieux.

Demi-finaliste l’an passé et vainqueur il y a deux ans, le Real Madrid est encore sur le voie de la reculade après son revers 2-0 en quart de finale aller contre Wolfsburg. Les Allemands peuvent créer l’exploit au Santiago-Bernabeu, demain, pour un second round qui mobilisera tout un peuple merengue derrière l’équipe de Zinédine Zidane. Une team qui devra être bien plus incisive et décisive devant les cages de Diego Benaglio qu’il y a une semaine (21 tirs, 3 cadrés). ZZ compte sur Benz’ pour se charger de cette mission. Sachez aussi que Florentino Pérez, le président du Real Madrid, a mis la pression sur Hazard.
ligue champions real madrid 2015 2016 quart aller
Mathématiquement, le Real a 17,8% de chances de se qualifier pour les demi-finales.
Selon nos confrères du quotidien français L’Equipe, l’international français est remis de sa blessure au genou survenue à la Volkswagen Arena. Sorti avant la mi-temps, l’ancien Lyonnais est apparemment capable de tenir à nouveau le front de l’attaque, puisqu’il a pu prendre part à la séance d’entraînement d’hier au centre sportif de Valdebebas. Gareth Bale, Toni Kroos et Luka Modric, qui ont aussi été préservés le weekend dernier, seront de retour pour éviter une élimination aussi humiliante qu’inattendue sur leurs terres. Cristiano y croit, donc pourquoi pas… Découvrez également pourquoi Zinédine Zidane serre la vis de ses joueurs au Real Madrid. Pensez-vous que Benzema sera décisif face à Wolfsburg ?


lundi 11 avril 2016

Fc Barcelona vs Atletico Madrid 13/04/2016

FC Barcelona come back again in 2–1 victory over Atlético de Madrid

01/30/2016 21:00
Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez turn around early deficit as Barça open up 3-point lead at the top of the table
Photo galleries
Lionel Messi and Luis Suárez both scored before halftime to turn around an early one-goal deficit and lead FC Barcelona to a 2–1 La Liga triumph over nine-man Atlético Madrid on Saturday afternoon at Camp Nou.
Koke put the Colchoneros up in the 10th minute on Saturday, but Barça completed their comeback well before the visitors had not one, but two players dismissed.
Filipe Luis was shown a straight red card one minute before the intermission and Diego Godín picked up his second caution of the day in the 65th but, by then, the damage had been done.
The victory gives the Catalans some breathing room at the top of the La Liga table. Before the game, Barça and Atlético had been even on points, with Barça in first on goal differential. FCB still have a game in hand.
FC Barcelona also extend their winning streak to 26 games across all competitions. They have not lost since 3 October.
Atlético, meanwhile drop their second straight game after seeing an eight-game winning streak snapped in Wednesday’s loss to Celta that knocked them out of the Copa del Rey. They remain winless at Camp Nou in La Liga since 2006 and have now lost on eight of their last nine visits, the only draw coming on the final day of the 2014 season that allowed them to edge out Barça for the league title.
The victory is FCB’s second of the season in two tries over Atlético. Barça won their first meeting this season, 2–1 at the Calderón back on 12 September.
FC Barcelona fell behind early for the second straight game when Koke volleyed a cross from Yannick Ferreira Carrasco past goalkeeper Claudio Bravo to put Atlético up 1–0 in the 10th minute. Carrasco took advantage of a Barça turnover deep in their own territory and beat Jordi Alba along the byline before feeding Koke, who was unmarked two steps behind the penalty spot.
"It was difficult for us to get into the game, but it served to wake us up," FC Barcelona head coach Luis Enrique said after the game.
Messi knotted the game up at 1–1 on the stroke of 30 minutes when he sliced through the Atlético area to slot in from close-range. Full-back Jordi Alba got the assist when Neymar sprung him loose on the left wing. Alba slid a pass between a pair of defenders to find the streaking Messi, who scored his 12th league goal this season and 21st overall.
Suárez put Barça into the lead eight minutes later after taking a perfectly placed through ball from Dani Alves and nutmegging Atlético goalkeeper Jan Oblak for his league-leading 19th goal of the season and team-leading 31st overall. Atlético defender Gabi had Suárez well-covered on the play, but the Barça striker, as he does so often, brilliantly used his body to win position inside and shield the ball before getting off the shot.
The action at both ends of the pitch was a welcome spectacle for the season-high 94,990 spectators who came out to Camp Nou to witness the top two teams in La Liga battle it out in what could very well end up being a decisive battle in the race for the title.
The atmosphere turned momentarily nasty in the 44th minute when Atlético full-back Filipe Luis was dismissed with a straight red card after a reckless boot to Messi's knee.
With Atlético down a goal and a man to start the second half, they had to be wondering what else could go wrong.
The answer to that came in the 65th, when Godín picked up his second yellow card of the day for a late tackle that completely upended Suárez, putting Atlético down to nine men with 25 minutes still to play.
Arda Turan — playing against his ex-team for the first time — and Alves both had chances to put the game away with nearly identical shots on 77 and 79 minutes, respectively, but with Cholo Simeone’s Atlético fighting till the end, Barça were unable to extend their lead.
Bravo made several key stops to preserve the victory. "It was a tough game beacuse they were very strong, but we came out on top in the duel and that is thanks to our hard work during the week," he said.

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Sigala - Give Me Your Love (featuring John Newman & Nile Rodgers) Lyrics

Sigala - Give Me Your Love (featuring John Newman & Nile Rodgers) Lyrics

[John Newman]
(Your love, your love, love)
(Your love, your love, love)
(Your love, your love, love) (Your love, your love, love)
(Your love, your love, love)
(Your love, your love, love)
(Your love, your love, love)
(Your love, your love, love)

I may be selfish but I'll take your pain
When you get weak I'll make you strong again
When all is lost, I will comfort you, mmm, mmm
So give me your love, I need it
Give me your heart, I'm bleeding
Give me your love, I need it, oh yeah, oh yeah
Give me your love, I need it
Give me your heart, I'm bleeding
Give me your love, I need it, uh, uh yeah
Why don't you give me your love?
Your love, love, your love, your love
Give me your love
Your love, love, your love, your love
Give me your love
Your love, love, your love, your love
Uh, uh, yeah
Your love, love, your love
Why don't you give me your love?
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Give me your love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
I will be there every lonely night
When you wake up, I'll be by your side
I will always be there for you, mmm, mmm, oh yeah
So give me your love, I need it
Give me your heart, I'm bleeding
Give me your love, I need it, oh yeah, oh yeah
Give me your love, I need it
Give me your heart, I'm bleeding
Give me your love, I need it, uh, uh yeah
Why don't you give me your love?
Your love, love, your love, your love
Give me your love
Your love, love, your love, your love
Give me your love
Your love, love, your love, your love
Uh, uh, yeah
Your love, love, your love
Why don't you give me your love?
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Give me your love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
You know all the other men baby
They won't treat you like I could
Stop your searching around
I can't do this any more
So give me your love, I need it
Give me your heart, I'm bleeding
Give me your love, I need it, oh yeah, oh yeah...
Give me your love, I need it
Give me your heart, I'm bleeding
Give me your love, I need it, uh, uh yeah...
Why don't you give me your love?
Your love, your love, love
Oh, you got to give me, give me more
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Give me your love
Your love, your love, love
Oh, you got to give me, give me more
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
Your love, your love, love
(Why don't you give me your love...?)

dimanche 10 avril 2016

This vedio can explain to you how you can earn money for free

This vedio can explain to you how you can earn money for free :

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Regarder Divergente 3 : au-delà du mur en streaming

Regarder Divergente 3 : au-delà du mur en streaming

Regarder Divergente 3 : au-delà du mur en streaming


Film Divergente 3 : au-delà du mur complet streaming

Adaptation de la suite de « Divergente » et « Insurgent », 1e partie.

Les Lecteurs : Divergente 3 : au-delà du mur gratuit en illimité


How to get word for free in windows 10


It's a common misconception that Windows comes complete with Microsoft Office for every user. However, there are ways of getting Office, including Word, on Windows 10 for free.
So you've got a new Windows 10 PC, laptop or tablet and want to use Microsoft Office but can't afford to buy it. Well luckily, there are ways of getting Office for free (restrictions apply) and we're going to show you how.
See also: How to get Office 2016 for less than £10.

How to get Office for free on Windows 10 including Word and Excel

Microsoft's current strategy for Office means that you can download its mobile apps for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for free on a wide range of devices including Android and iOS. You can download these apps for Windows 10 using the links below.
•    Word Mobile
•    Excel Mobile
•    PowerPoint Mobile
Office Mobile Windows store

What you can and can't do

While these are free for any Windows 10 device, they don't simply allow you full access to all the functionality. If you're using a PC or laptop you'll only be able to read documents and will need an Office 365 subscription to create and edit. However, those of you running Windows 10 on a device with a 10.1in screen or smaller can use the apps fully including creating and editing.
Being able to view documents is pretty basic so for anyone on a PC, laptop or tablet with a screen bigger than 10.1in then you'll want to use an alternative to Microsoft Office if you don't want to pay. An Office 365 Subscription will cost you from £5.99 per month.
Before we look at some alternatives, remember that you can use Office Online if you have a Microsoft account. This is essentially Office but you just use it entirely in your web browser. You can also try Office 2016 for free.

Best free Microsoft Office alternatives

There are various alternatives to Microsoft Office out there that are completely free. Our recommendation is LibreOffice, which is a full suite of software and allows you to open and save documents in Microsoft formats. Download LibreOffice here.
Should you happen to dislike Libre Office, you can also check out free alternatives such as WPS Office, Free Office and Google Docs which is now simple a part of Google Drive.

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